Blade And Soul Free Character Slot

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Character Slots. Accounts are automatically provided with 2 character slots for free upon creation. More slots can be purchased with NCoin. Players that purchased founder's packs are provided with more slots - the disciple pack adds 2 for a total of 4 slots, and the master packs adds 5 for a total of 7 slots.

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  • 1Blade Soul
    • 1.3Class Features

Blade Soul[edit]

A frail female halfling steps into the bar. As she approaches the bar and sits down, she overhears a Half-Orc boasting his skill with a blade, and promising a prize to anyone who can defeat him in single combat. She glances over to an eager looking farm-boy, and offers him a blade of mysterious origin in exchange for a share of the winnings. Nobody knows how such a weak kid managed to hurt so much. And as the halfling walks away with her share, she thinks to herself: somebody needed to knock him down a peg.

A Dragonborn walks into the midst of a crowd of enemies, his elven companion keeping close, and providing endless amounts of power to keep the both of them alive and strong as he cleaves his way through the army.

With a smirk, the Goliath hefts his battleaxe of strange design, a little gnome riding his back. Blow after blow he stands his ground against forces that would kill any other mortal. But with his gnome companion by his side, nothing could stop him from protecting his homeland.

Supportive Conjurer's[edit]

WARNING: This class while still capable on its own, is only really formidable when you have an ally to protect you. If you are thinking of choosing this for a campaign, you need to work with one of the other players, or get your DM to give you someone to command. Your DM may also be kind enough to allow you to give one weapon to each of your allies as long as only one of them is considered the Wielder at a time. If your DM has something that requires you to deal the final blow, consider asking for an exception since you won't be dealing much damage yourself.


Blade Souls excel in giving a weapon to a single ally, then staying with that ally to offer healing and strength to anyone to stay nearby. They can't take much beating since they sacrifice some of their life to imbue such power into their blades. However if a sufficiently powerful creature were to wield one of these blades, they would become powerful enough to rival the strongest foes, potentially even deities.

This class is a great way to stay active during another player's turn, and is meant to be a supporting role who keeps up, and supports without being too much of a burden to others.

Another DM TIP: Try setting a Hard Minimum of +1 HP per level. This way you don't get a character who loses HP when leveling up as can easily happen with a really low Constitution Score.

Creating a Blade Soul[edit]

How did you gain your ability to forge a blade of your life force? Did you stumble upon some ancient knowledge? Were you born with this power akin to a sorcerer? Were you blessed by a deity? Or did some other powerful entity/creature grant you this power?

Quick Build

You can make a Blade Soul quickly by following these suggestions. First, Wisdom should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the Outlander background. Third, choose 20 Darts, a Component Pouch, and A Dungeoneer's Pack.

Class Features

As a Blade Soul you gain the following class features.

Blade And Soul Anime Characters

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d4 per Blade Soul level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 4 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per Blade Soul level after 1st


Armor: None
Weapons: Daggers, Clubs, and Darts
Tools: Artisan's Tools (for a blade you can create)
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills: Choose two of the following: Animal Handling, Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Persuasion, Religion, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) 20 Darts or (b) A Dagger
  • (a) Component Pouch or (b) A Spellcasting Focus
  • (a) A Dungeoneer's Pack or (b) An Explorer's Pack
  • your choice of Artisan's Tools (that you are proficient in)
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 1d4*10 + 1d10 gp in funds.

Table: The Blade Soul

Blade PointsBlade DamageCantripsFeatures—Spell Slots per Spell Level—
1st+211d40Blade Creation, Soul Channeling
3rd+231d42Blade Soul Archetype3
4th+241d62Ability Score Improvement3
5th+351d62Magic Blade42
6th+361d62Soul Empowered Strike, Energetic Strike42
7th+371d62Blade Soul Archetype Feature43
8th+381d82Ability Score Improvement43
9th+491d83Soul Armor432
10th+4101d83Blade Soul Archetype Feature432
11th+4111d83Magic Blade Improvement433
12th+4121d103Ability Score Improvement433
14th+5141d103Might of the Soul4331
15th+5151d103Blade Soul Archetype Feature4332
16th+5162d63Ability Score Improvement4332
17th+6172d64Magic Blade Improvement43331
18th+6182d64Blade Soul Archetype Feature43331
19th+6192d84Ability Score Improvement43332
20th+6202d84Vibrant Soul43332

Blade Creation[edit]

Beginning at 1st level, you may spend a long rest crafting a portion of your life that has been set aside into a Melee Weapon you create that can be given to any creature of your choosing that has proficiency with said weapon. When you do so, that creature may then make attack rolls using that weapon as if it were a standard weapon that deals damage as shown on the Blade Soul Table. If they wish to become the wielder, they must attune to it over the course of a short rest. Once they do so, they are applicable for any affect that mentions the Wielder of your Soul Blade. The Soul Blade's Damage type is non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing depending on what form you give it, and gains the characteristics of that weapon. The Wielder looses these benefits if they are not carrying the weapon or you are no longer on the same plane of existence, but regains them if they pick it up again, or if you find a way to their plane of existence (and vice versa). You may only have one blade at a time. If you create a blade while one still exists, or you die, the old one flickers out of existence. The wielder must be proficient with their weapon in order to use it.

The Wielder of your soul blade can make an attack with this weapon as a bonus action. This attack counts as an off-hand attack, and does not add the modifier to damage rolls, but still gives all other benefits.

Your Soul Blade's damage die cannot be higher than the damage die for your level even if the base weapon would deal more damage, and does not grant bonuses from the weapon. You can have your Soul Blade treated with special materials just like any other weapon to bypass certain resistances, such as silvering for certain undead, or coating in adamantine for creatures of the earth plane.

Wielding your own blade

While it's not the best idea, you can become the Wielder of your own blade in dire circumstances without requiring attunement. Just watch that low health buffer, and the action economy for any potential Issues you may come across.

Soul Channeling[edit]

Beginning at 1st level, you learn how to absorb energy through your blade, and channel it into various effects. Whenever an enemy (DM Discretion Advised) is hit by your Soul Blade, you gain 1 Blade point up to the amount shown on the Blade Soul Table. When you take a long rest, you retain all your current blade points, and recover 2 additional Blade Points up to half the value shown on the Blade Soul Table rounded up.

Blade Point Abilities

Empowered Constitution. You can spend a bonus action and 1 or more Blade Points to allow a creature within 5 feet of you (including yourself), or the Wielder of your Soul Blade to expend a number of hit dice equal to the amount of Blade Points spent. You can spend additional Blade Points after the target rolls a hit die. You may use this as if you were in your wielder's space, but you must be within 30 ft. of them, and they must use their reaction to deliver the effect.

Perfect Strike. You can spend an action and 1 Blade Point to add +2 to all attack rolls made with your Soul Blade until the start of your next turn.

Extra Spells. You may spend a bonus action to recover spell slots using blade points at the following rates. Be warned that you cannot reverse this. Spell slots created this way remain until expended

Extra Spells table
Spell Slot LevelBlade Points


Beginning at 2nd level, you can weave your energy into spells that help you keep you and your allies up in a fight.

Spell Slots

The Blade Soul table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain 1 expended spell slot of the lowest level for which you have no available spell slots remaining when you finish a long rest.

For example, if you know the 1st-level spell Identify, and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast Identify using either slot.


At 2nd level, you know two cantrips of your choice from the Blade Soul Spell List. You learn additional Blade Soul cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Blade Soul table. Additionally, when you gain a level in Blade Soul, you may replace one cantrip you know with another cantrip from the Blade Soul Spell List

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

You know a number of spells from the Blade Soul Table equal to half your Blade Soul Level rounded down + your Wisdom Bonus. Each spell you know must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 6th level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.

Additionally, when you gain a level in Blade Soul, you may replace one of the spells you know with a different one from the Blade Soul Spell List, which also must be of a level for which you have slots.

Spellcasting Ability

Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your Blade Soul Spells since your magic draws on how well you can use the materials you conjure to solve the problem at hand. Materials disappear at the end of the spell as you see fit. You use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a ranger spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifierSpell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Ritual Casting

You can cast any spell with the ritual tag as a ritual if you have it prepared, and spend a single Blade Point to do so.

Spellcasting Focus

You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for your spells.

Blade Soul Archetype[edit]

At 3rd level, you chose a Blade Soul Archetype. Choose between Guardian Soul and Vengeful Soul, both are detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd Level, and again at 7th, 10th, 15th, and 18th level.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Magic Blade[edit]

At 5th level, you have gained the ability to move your blade with the Wielder more effectively. Your Soul Blade grants a +1 bonus to the Attack and Damage rolls made with this weapon as long as it is used by the Wielder of your Soul Blade.

This bonus increases to +2 at 11th Level and +3 at 17th Level. And at 17th level, this weapon is considered magical for all intents and purposes.

Soul Empowered Blade[edit]

Beginning at 6th level, you can spend a bonus action and 3 Blade Points to allow the Wielder of your Soul Blade to attack using your Wisdom Bonus instead of their Strength (or Dexterity for finesse) for Attack and Damage Rolls (the attacks still count as Strength for things such as Barbarian's Rage) for the next minute. Additionally, while this ability is active and the wielder of your soul blade makes any attack roll using this weapon and you can see the target, you may spend your reaction to allow them to immediately make another 'off-hand' attack at -5 to attack and damage rolls (minimum damage of 1). If this ability was triggered by an attack of opportunity, the attack is made with advantage, but does not count as an opportunity attack for the purposes of feats such as the sentinel feat, and the cavalier's Hold the Line ability unless your DM says otherwise.

Energetic Strike[edit]

Beginning at 6th level, you can spend a bonus action and 1 Blade Point to change the damage type of your Soul Blade to Fire, Lightning, Cold, Acid, Poison, Thunder, Radiant, or Necrotic damage until the start of your next turn.

At 13th Level, you may spend 1 additional blade point when you use this feature to make 1 of your Soul Blades damage dice deal the new damage type until you use this feature to change it. While this secondary feature is active, using energetic strike again allows you to change one or both of the damage dice, and also adds half your Blade Soul level (rounded down) to the damage of the next critical hit before the start of your next turn. The damage dealt is of the type one damage die was changed to.

Soul Armor[edit]

Beginning at 9th level, you can spend an action and 4 Blade points to give a creature within 5 ft. of you Soul Armor for the next hour. A creature with Soul Armor can add their Wisdom Modifier to their AC instead of Dexterity if their current AC calculation calls for dexterity. Their minimum AC is also 12.

Might of the Soul[edit]

Beginning at 14th level, your Soul Weapon grants the Wielder a special attack depending on what damage type it normally deals.


When the Wielder of your Soul Blade hits an attack with it, you can spend 3 Blade Points to grant one of them a shockwave that forces each enemy within 5 ft. of the original target -excluding the original target- to make a Strength Save against your Spell Save DC, taking the weapon's damage halved and being pushed back 5 ft. on a failed save, or half as much damage, and not being pushed on a successful one.


When the Wielder of your Soul Blade hits an attack with it, you can spend 3 Blade points to cause that target to become vulnerable to Piercing Damage for the next minute, or until they take an action to make a Medicine check against your Spell Save DC to end the effect. If the target is resistant, they lose resistance for the duration. If the target is immune, they become resistant for the duration.


When the Wielder of your Soul Blade hits an attack with it, you can spend 1 blade point to cause the attack to target an additional creature within 5 ft. of the original target as long as the new target is in range, using the same attack roll. Attacks from this effect do not grant extra blade points. This effect can be chained by spending 1 blade point for each creature, but cannot hit the same creature more than once in the same attack. (DM Tip: on critical hits, it may be best to rule that on-crit effects only apply to the first hit while the rest just deal the standard double damage, or maybe even lock the damage)

Vibrant Soul[edit]

Starting at 20th Level, when you take a long rest and have less than 5 Blade Points, you may set your Blade Points to 5. Additionally, if you start combat without any Blade Points, you recover 4 Blade Points.

Guardian Soul[edit]

You have found a certain comfort in the allies you spend time with and because of that, you have found a way to return that comfort in the strength you give.

Extended Self

You have learned to echo your magic through to your Soul Blade. Starting at 3rd Level, whenever you cast a Blade Soul spell, you may spend 1 Blade point to target the wielder of your Soul Blade instead.

Soul Protection

You have learned to shift your blade make up for the shortcomings of your Wielder. Starting at 7th Level, when the wielder of your soul blade is subjected to a saving throw and fails and you can see them, you can spend your reaction, and 2 blade points to make them re-roll, and choose either result.

Guardian's Protection

The bond you share with your wielder becomes stronger as you approach to the point where it bolsters the fortitude of your allies. Starting at 10th Level, while you are within 10 ft. of the Wielder of your Soul Blade, you and all creatures of your choice within 10 ft. of the Wielder gain Temporary Hit points equal to half your level at the start of your turn.

Warding Blow

You have learned how to shift your Soul Blade to pull a creature's attention away from you. Starting at 15th Level, when the Wielder of your Soul Blade uses it to attack an enemy within 5 ft. of you and hits, you may spend 1 point. If you do so, that enemy must make a Wisdom Save against your Spell Save DC or be unable to target you with an attack or spell until the end of their next turn. They have advantage on the save if you are the Wielder making the attack.

Strength of Numbers

You have learned to expand your strength to fill others. Starting at 18th Level, when you cast a single target spell that grants HP, Temp HP, improves an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you can affect not only the wielder of your Soul Blade and yourself, but also any creature you designate within 5 ft. of you spending 1 point for each target other than you or the Wielder, and targeting the Wielder no longer costs points.

Vengeful Soul[edit]

You have a thirst for vengeance. Whether it's because of a betrayal, a dagger in the night, a lie, or something else that really makes you furious, you want to pay everything back blow for blow and while you aren't the one to be stopped, you ensure that nothing can stop the people you stand behind.

Soul Blast

You have learned to pour your fury into your blade causing it to spill when your Wielder swings towards a distant foe. Starting at 3rd Level, as long as you know the location of your Soul Blade and it is within 120 ft. of you, you can spend your Action to empower it, consuming 2 Blade points to grant all attacks made with it a range of 30 ft. until the start of your next turn. Attacks made within the weapon's reach are melee, while the rest are ranged.

Retributive Strike

You let nothing escape your vengeance. Starting at 7th Level, if you can see the Wielder of your Soul Blade, and you can see their target when they attack with that weapon, you may spend 2 Blade Points as a reaction to give them advantage on that attack. You must declare this before the attack roll is made.

Vengeful Guard

Your hatred marks nearby foes for your blade to find. Starting at 10th Level, when the Wielder of your Soul Blade attacks a creature that is within 10 ft. of you, they make the attack with advantage.


Your blade empowers your Wielder to pay back all blows in spades. Starting at 15th Level, when a creature hits the Wielder of your Soul Blade, the Wielder can take an attack of opportunity against that creature if they are within range. If they are not in melee range, but still within 30 ft., you may spend 1 Blade Point (No Action Required) to allow the attack to be made anyway.

Fury of the Soul

With your Fervor, even the weakest and slowest of warriors become as frightening as a raging barbarian. Starting at 18th Level, Whenever the Wielder of your Soul Blade uses the attack action with your Soul Blade, they can attack twice instead of once, unless they already have the Extra Attack Feature. Additionally, when they take damage, you may use 3 Blade points and your reaction to reduce the damage by your Wisdom Modifier + Your Level.

Fractured Soul[edit]

Somehow, someway, you have managed to shatter your soul into multiple pieces which allows you to share strength with many Wielders, share the power they gain, and even make what is normally impossible to maintain for long periods of time permanent.

Re-bounding Splinters

You can shape a blade into something a little more suited for flight, and splinter the resulting projectile further. Starting at 3rd Level, You may now turn a Soul Blade into a piece of Soul Ammunition over the course of a long rest. When You do this, you must designate a case for the Soul Ammunition to return to. Soul Ammunition can be used in any ranged weapon whether mundane or conjured, and still acts as a Soul Blade for all intents and purposes. A piece of Soul ammunition can only be fired once per action, bonus action, or reaction spent on attacking, after which it returns to the case it has been designated. If the Wielder has multi-attack, You may spend one blade point for each shot they take beyond the first. If a ranged weapon has the Loading property (not a soul blade), you may spend an hour tweaking it to double the Long range (e.g. Heavy crossbow would go from 100/400 ft. range to 100/800 ft. range).

If a Soul Blade has the thrown property, you may now designate a holster for said Blade to which it returns to after the action used to attack with it unless it is a Net in which case it returns upon being destroyed. Soul Ammunition counts towards your Soul Blade Cap.

Lasting Fragments

You can now refine your conjurations into something a little more permanent, and are learning how to splinter your Soul Blade in a meaningful way. Starting at 7th Level, You may spend 10 minutes and 2 blade points to magically create 5 gp worth of raw material that you can work with your tools. Residue left behind by this material disappears after 1 minute. In addition, your Soul Blade Cap increases by 1 at 7th level (total 2), 10th level (total 3), 15th level (total 4), and 18th level (total 5).

You can only create one Soul Blade or Ammunition at a time as detailed in the Blade Creation feature. Features that target a Wielder target only one wielder at a time unless otherwise stated.

Spell Refraction

Your ability to split your blade has taught you how to split magic in a similar fashion. Starting at 10th Level, when a Wielder of your Soul Blade casts a spell with a casting time of at least 1 bonus action and you can see them, you may spend 2 blade points -plus 1 for each level of the spell slot used above 1st- as a reaction to allow the spell to target a willing Wielder you can see in addition to the original target(s).

Prismatic Barrage

You now feel each blade and can share the motions of one with another. Starting at 15th Level, when a Wielder of your Soul Blade within 20 ft. of you makes an attack roll with a Soul Blade or Soul Ammunition, you may spend your reaction and 2 blade points to cause another Wielder you can see to make a single attack using a Soul Blade or Soul Ammunition against a target in range. You may repeat this as part of the same reaction spending blade points for each as long as you select a wielder who did not trigger this reaction, and has not been targeted on this reaction.

As an added benefit, you and all wielders can communicate verbally through the Soul Blade as long as you are on the same plane of existence.

Shards of a Whole

You can now pour your strength into all parts of yourself. Starting at 18th Level, when you use any ability under the Blade Point Abilities, Soul Empowered Strike, Energetic Strike, and Soul Armor Features that target a Wielder and consumes at least 1 blade point, you may target all Wielders you can target with said ability at the same time without spending additional Blade Points. Empowered Constitution only allows the expending of the first hit die for free. Subsequent hit dice on additional targets still use blade points.

Blade Soul Spell List[edit]

You know all of the spells on the Blade Soul spell list.

Adding Homebrewed Spells to the list: Blade Souls cannot learn many spells that deal damage. If you give them access to a homebrew spell, be sure that it doesn't cause you to directly deal much damage. Magic Missile is an exception as it doesn't hit that hard.


Blade Ward, Control Flames, Dancing Lights, Guidance, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Mold Earth, Prestidigitation, Resistance, Shape Water, Thaumaturgy, True Strike

1st Level

Absorb Elements, Alarm, Bless, Charm Person, Command, Comprehend Languages, Cure Wounds, Detect Magic, Disguise Self, Faerie Fire, False Life, Feather Fall, Healing Word, Heroism, Identify, Jump, Longstrider, Magic Missile, Sanctuary, Shield of Faith, Unseen Servant, Zephyr Strike

2nd Level

Aid, Alter Self, Augury, Barkskin, Blur, Calm Emotions, Darkness, Darkvision, Earthbind, Enhance Ability, Find Traps, Hold Person, Invisibility, Lesser Restoration, Locate Object, Magic Weapon, Misty Step, Protection from Poison, Ray of Enfeeblement, See Invisibility, Silence, Suggestion, Warding Bond

3rd Level

Aura of Vitality, Beacon of Hope, Clairvoyance, Dispel Magic, Fear, Haste, Hypnotic Pattern, Mass Healing Word, Motivational Speech, Nondetection, Protection from Energy, Remove Curse, Revivify, Sending, Slow, Thunder Step, Tongues

4th Level

Banishment, Charm Monster, Compulsion, Confusion, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Locate Creature, Stoneskin

5th Level

Antilife Shell, Dispel Evil and Good, Dominate Person, Dream, Geas, Greater Restoration, Hold Monster, Mass Cure Wounds, Telekinesis, Telepathic Bond, Wall of Force

  • Most Half-Casters don't get cantrips, but I feel that Blade Souls need some way to stay helpful when they run out of spell slots.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Blade Soul class, you must meet these prerequisites:Wisdom: 13

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Blade Soul class, you gain the following proficiencies:One of the skill proficiencies available.

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We’ve overhauled the Premium Membership system with better rewards.

The new Premium Membership system is now available! Our overall goals with the revamp were to remove complexity, improve the overall baseline rewards, and ensure that they all feel like strong bonuses to gameplay—not blockers to enjoying the game if you don’t have Premium.

We’re also giving everyone a chance to try out the new system with 7 days of FREE Premium Membership time from the 2nd Anniversary Festival Gift, available for free from the Hongmoon Store. Head over to the 2nd Anniversary Festival Overview article for more info.

You’ll of course want to head over to the new Premium Membership page for an overview of the new system, but below we’ll cover a few of the highlights.

Goodbye Premium Ranks

The Premium Rank and Point system is gone, and instead when you’re a Premium Member you’ll get all the same great benefits as if you were at the maximum tier of the previous system. No additional purchases are required—all the maximum bonuses are baseline now.

For those of you who ranked up your Premium Tiers, you’ve been provided additional days of free Premium Membership based on the below table.

Rank Achieved

Free Premium Days





















Goodbye Chi Recovery Benefit

Having Premium for the improved Chi recovery rate really didn’t make much of a difference, so it was already on the chopping block, but when reviewing our goals of how we’re revamping the system it was further cemented that this was something that didn’t belong in Premium.

This is one of two bonuses we’ve removed from the system, everything else is otherwise an addition or improvement.

Showroom for Everyone

The second bonus we’ve removed is the Showroom (previously called the Wardrobe). This is now a baseline feature available to all players. We want those who have Premium to enjoy the benefits it provides because it adds to the game experience, and not because they feel forced to have it to be able to do basic things like manage their inventory space.

Earn Hongmoon Coin

Blade And Soul Free Character Slot Maker

With Premium Membership you’ll now earn 15 Hongmoon Coins every day just for logging in. There’s a little bit of “vacation protection” built in too, and you can accrue up to 45 Hongmoon Coins (three days’ worth) before needing to log in and collect it—any accrued Hongmoon Coin will need to be picked up within 30 days or it’ll reset the next time you log in.

Daily Premium Cache

Every day Premium Members will be able to purchase a chest from the Hongmoon Store for 30 Hongmoon Coins. It’ll always contain Fortune Potions, a Rare Element, Solar Energy, and Excellent Hongmoon XP Charm; as well as a chance at some rarer items, like a Sacred Oil, Gem Powder, or Legendary Jewel—or just a big sack of gold.

We hope you enjoy these improvements to the Premium Membership system! Head on over to the new Premium Membership page to see all the benefits, and the FAQ.